

venusdemilo 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Rett syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder of the grey matter of the brain[1] that affects females more commonly than males. 

The clinical features include small hands and feet and a deceleration of the rate of head growth (including microcephaly in some). 

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      Admission order記得要開finger sugar: AC,PC,3pm,9pm

DM diet分為1200kcal,1500kcal,1800kcal

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Compare of most common type 天皰瘡 & 類天皰瘡 



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Thyroid nodule

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  • Nov 16 Mon 2009 14:35

SIADH =>diagnosis of exclusion

l          Etiology

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Penicillin皮膚測試試劑包括主要決定因素(major determinants)及次要決定因素(minor de-
terminants)。主要決定因素包括Benzylpenicilloyl poly-L-lysine (BPL)、Penicilloyl-poly-L-lysine

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Virchow's triad 1. Trauma to endothelium

                             2. Stasis

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