Virchow's triad 1. Trauma to endothelium
2. Stasis
3. Hypercoagubility
S/S: 1. Hypotension
2. Tachycardia, EKG S1Q3T3
3. Hypoxemia
4. Secondary pulmonary hypertension
Lab: Plasma D-dimer increased
Diagnosis: CTA
Lung scan
Pulmonary angiography
Modified Wells' Pretest Probability Scoring of Pulmonary Embolism
+3 PE as likely than other alternate disease
+3 DVT clinical symptoms
+1.5 HR>100bpm
+1.5 prior DVT or PE
+1.5 Bed rest > 3d
+1 Hemoptysis
+1 Malignancy
Treatment: LMWH is the drug of choice